32. Find 30MB Files To find all 30MB files, use. # find / -size 30M 33. Find Size between 30MB – 50MB To find all the files whi...
Basic Find Commands in Linux Part 4
26. Find Last 30 Days Modified Files To find all the files which are modified 30 days back. # find / -mtime 30 27. Find Last 30 Days...
Basic Find Commands in Linux Part 3
22. Find Single File Based on User To find all or single file called howtolinux247.txt under /root directory of owner root. # find / ...
Basic Find Commands in Linux Part 2
7. Find Files With 777 Permissions Find all the files whose permissions are 777 . # find . -type f -perm 0777 -print 8. Find Files Wi...
Basic Find Commands in Linux Part 1
1. Find Files Using Name in Current Directory Find all the files whose name is howtolinux247.txt in a current working directory. #...
Linux/Unix: Master Linux Command Line History
When you are using Linux command line frequently, using the history effectively can be a major productivity boost. In fact, once you hav...
Linux Comand: Find SSH client Version
Sometimes it may be necessary to identify the SSH client that you are currently running and it’s corresponding version number. Use ssh –...
8 Method Display Current Date and Time in a Specific Format
Following are different ways of displaying the current date and time in various formats. Method 1: root@vps10634 [~]# date Mon Sep 2 1...
check data integrity using md5sum in Linux
1.Introduction:What is md5sum? md5sum is a tool generally used to check data integrity. It calculates and verifies 128-bit MD5 hashes ,...
Linux Dig (Domain Information Groper) Command - DNS lookup utility
1. Introduction DIG stands for domain information groper . DIG is a dns lookup utility in UNIX like operating System. It perform...