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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to install Apache CouchDB on Redhat/CentOS 6/5

4:12 PM

What is Apache CouchDB

Apache CouchDB is an open source document-oriented database with NoSQL. NoSQL means, it doesn’t have any database schema, tables, rows, etc, that you will see in MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. CouceDB uses JSON to store data with documents, which you can access from a web browser via HTTP. CouchDB works smoothly with all latest modern web and mobile apps.
Install CouchDB in Linux

CouchDB Requirements

To install CouchDB, we need to have required collections of packages installed on our systems that CouchDB depends on. But, don’t worry all these below packages are comes with pre-installed on all Linux versions.

  • Erlang OTP (>=R12B)
  • ICU
  • OpenSSL
  • Mozilla SpiderMonkey
  • libcurl
  • GNU Make
  • GNU Compiler Collection 
  • Step 1: Installing EPEL Repository

    1. As I said above that we uses EPEL repository to install CouchDB. So, lets enable EPEL repository.
    2. Next, once you have installed and enabled EPEL repository, now check for availability of Couchdb using yum command.
    # yum --enablerepo=epel info couchdb

    Sample Output:

    Available Packages
    Name       : couchdb
    Arch       : i386
    Version    : 1.0.1
    Release    : 2.el5.rf
    Size       : 749 k
    Repo       : rpmforge
    Summary    : A document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API
    URL        :
    License    : Apache
    Description: Apache CouchDB is a document-oriented database that can be queried and indexed
               : in a MapReduce fashion using JavaScript.

    Step 2: Installing CouchDB

    Install the couchdb package from EPEL repo, it will install lots of dependent packages on your system.
    # yum install couchdb

    Step 3: Editing CouchDB Config

    Edit and modify the /etc/couchdb/local.ini file and add a bind_address and give the ip-address of your system.
    # vi /etc/couchdb/local.ini
    ;port = 5984
    ;bind_address =
    bind_address =

    Step 4: Starting/Stopping CouchDB

    service couchdb start
    service couchdb stop
    service couchdb status

    Step 5: Verifing CouchDB

    1. Verify the CouchDB by going to the below URL.
    2. You will see a Welcome page that displays the following message.
    3. Next, visit below URL to create and manage the Couchdb database.
    4. You will see a Couchdb web interface.

    Step 6: Creating CouchDB Admin User

    By default there is no admin user, you need to create one by just clicking on the bottom right corner that says “Fix this“. Once you click on that link you will prompted to enter admin user and password. Refer screen below.


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