32. Find 30MB Files To find all 30MB files, use. # find / -size 30M 33. Find Size between 30MB – 50MB To find all the files whi...
Basic Find Commands in Linux Part 4
26. Find Last 30 Days Modified Files To find all the files which are modified 30 days back. # find / -mtime 30 27. Find Last 30 Days...
Basic Find Commands in Linux Part 3
22. Find Single File Based on User To find all or single file called howtolinux247.txt under /root directory of owner root. # find / ...
Basic Find Commands in Linux Part 2
7. Find Files With 777 Permissions Find all the files whose permissions are 777 . # find . -type f -perm 0777 -print 8. Find Files Wi...
Basic Find Commands in Linux Part 1
1. Find Files Using Name in Current Directory Find all the files whose name is howtolinux247.txt in a current working directory. #...
Linux/Unix: Master Linux Command Line History
When you are using Linux command line frequently, using the history effectively can be a major productivity boost. In fact, once you hav...
Linux Comand: Find SSH client Version
Sometimes it may be necessary to identify the SSH client that you are currently running and it’s corresponding version number. Use ssh –...
8 Method Display Current Date and Time in a Specific Format
Following are different ways of displaying the current date and time in various formats. Method 1: root@vps10634 [~]# date Mon Sep 2 1...
check data integrity using md5sum in Linux
1.Introduction:What is md5sum? md5sum is a tool generally used to check data integrity. It calculates and verifies 128-bit MD5 hashes ,...
Linux Dig (Domain Information Groper) Command - DNS lookup utility
1. Introduction DIG stands for domain information groper . DIG is a dns lookup utility in UNIX like operating System. It perform...
Linux Logical Volume Manager
The Linux Logical Volume Manager The second generation of the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM2) is a logical volume manager c...
Linux Boot Process
Step 1. BIOS (Basic Input Out System) System power on, hardware transfer control to BIOS . BIOS is the first program to run and it’s...
Basic Shell Script
1. Shell Script : - A shell script is simply a text file containing commands or statements to be executed. Why we need shell scri...
Red Hat to Advance CloudForms for Cloud Management
eWEEK: VMware isn't the only virtualization vendor showing off new technology this week, as Linux vendor Red Hat demonstrates upco...
What Linux really needs is more fun
TechRebublic: Find out why Jack Wallen believes that Linux needs more fun in order to succeed on the desktop. Do you agree? Let me lead...
Download: Endian Firewall 2.5.2
1. Introduction Endian Firewall is a Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance that protects networks and improves connectivity. Base...
Download: GhostBSD 3.5-BETA1
1. Introduction GhostBSD it is a user-friendly, GNOME-based FreeBSD distribution in the form of an installable live CD. Besides develop...
How to Install system-config-network on Linux CentOS 6.4
1. Introduction In this post, i will share on how to install GUI for network configuration on CentOS 6.4. The mentioned network GUI tools ...
How to Check Opened Port on Server VPS Linux 6.4
1. Introduction By default, the linux operating system manages 65536 ports. If you run Virtual private Server (VPS) on linux platform, it...