1. Shell Script : - A shell script is simply a text file containing commands or statements to be executed.
Why we need shell scripts ?
- Automating commonly used commands
Performing system administration and troubleshooting
Creating simple applications ,Manipulation of text or files.
For example , suppose every morning when you log in , you perform the following operations:
- Check the system date
- Look at the calender for the current month.
- Check your mail.
- Display the list of logged in users.
2. Creating Shell Scripts
Step 1: Use a text editior such as vi to create a text file containing commands
(First Line contains the magic “shbang” ---> #! ).
#! /bin/bash
- comment your scripts ! (Comments start with a #)
The first line in a shell scripts should contain 'magic' , which is commonly referred as the she-bang.
This tells the operating system which interpreter to use in order to excute the script. Some of the examples are :
#!/bin/bashUsed for Bash Scripts(Most common on Linux)
Used for Bourne shell scripts (Common on all Unix-like system)
Used for C shell scripts(common on BSD derived system)
Used for perl scripts(an advanced scripting & programming language)
Used for python scripts(an object oriented programming langauge)
Step 2: Make the script executable : with chmod command
# chmod a+x scriptfile.sh or chmod 750 scriptfile.sh
Step 3: To execute the new script : Place the script file in a directory in excuteable path
Specify the absolute or relative path to the script on the command line.
# sh scriptfile.sh OR
# ./scriptfile.sh
# ./scriptfile.sh
Generating Output
* Use “echo” to generate simple output
e.g # echo 'Welcome To NextStep Linux World'
#echon -n “Please Enter the file name:”
e.g # echo 'Welcome To NextStep Linux World'
#echon -n “Please Enter the file name:”
* Use “printf” to generate formated output
e.g # printf “The result of your exam %0.2f\n” $RESULT
(Syntax similar to C printf()function)
Handling Input
Use “read” to assign an input value to a shell variable :
e.g # echo -n “enter the filename: “
read takes a line from standard input and breaks it down into individual words.(Usually a word is defined as a character string surrounded by whitespace such as spaces and tabs).The way the shell
interprets words may be changed by settings the IFS
variable (e.g IFS=':' will tell the shell that words are separated by
colons instead of white space). The First word is assigned to the first
variable & second word is assigned to the second variable and
so on. If there are more words than the variables . The last variable
is assigned all the remaining words.
Example :
echo -n 'Enter the name (first last):'
printf “your first name is %s and your last name is %s \n” $FIRST $LAST
The(-p) option is used to display a prompt string . Place the
quotes around the string if you need to prompt the user with a multiple
-word command.
read -p “enter several values :” value1 value2 value3
echo “value1 is = $value1”
echo “value2 is = $value2”
echo “value3 is = $value3”
read -p “enter several values :” value1 value2 value3
echo “value1 is = $value1”
echo “value2 is = $value2”
echo “value3 is = $value3”
Exit Status
- Command exit with an exit status
0 for success , 1to 255 for
failure , exit status of most recently executed command is kept in the
$? variable just like return values from shell functions
Shell Script may set an exit status with the exit command : exit 1 (Indicates an error)
Upon completion , every command
returns an exit status . The exit status will be a number in the range
of 0 to 255 and it indicates whether or not the command ran
successfully. A general rule , an exit status of 0 indicates success and
an exit value in the range 1 to 255 indicates failure. To See the exit
status of the most recently executed commmand , echo the $? variable.
test@localhost:~$ ls -d /tmp/
test@localhost:~$ echo $?
test@localhost:~$ ls -d /tpm
ls: cannot access /tpm: No such file or directory
test@localhost:~$ echo $?
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